Industrial Revolution


Industrial Revolution

      NAMA     :RUSTANDI
           KELAS    :3IB02C             
 NPM        :18416447



The Industrial Revolution was a period between 1750-1850 which was greater than in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology and had thoughts related to social, economic and cultural aspects in the world. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and then spread throughout Western Europe, North America, Japan, and spread throughout the world.
The Industrial Revolution calculates a large turnaround in world history, almost every aspect of daily life by the Industrial Revolution, especially in terms of increasing population growth and managed and unprecedented average income. During the two centuries after the Industrial Revolution, the average per capita income of countries in the world more than doubled. As stated by the Nobel Prize winner, Robert Emerson Lucas, namely: "For the first time in history, ordinary people's living standards enhance sustainable growth. Economic challenges like this have never happened before". 
Britain provided a legal and cultural foundation that allowed entrepreneurs to pioneer the Industrial Revolution. Key factors that helped support the Industrial Revolution included:  The period of peace and freedom followed by the union of England and Scotland,  there were no obstacles in trade between England and Scotland,  legal systems simple rules governing joint stock ownership (corporation), and  free market ownership (capitalism). 
The Industrial Revolution began at the end of the 18th century, where a transition was made in the use of labor in the United Kingdom which used animal and human labor, which was later replaced by manufacturing-based machinery. The initial period began with supporting mechanization of the textile industry, developing iron-making techniques and increasing use of coal. Trade expansion was also developed with the construction of canals, repairs to highways and railroads.  The shift from manufacturing-based agriculture to agriculture led to a massive shift from village to city, and ultimately led to a swelling of the population in major cities in the UK.

It is undeniable that the industrial revolution is in sight, Indonesia is no exception.     While version 4.0 of the industrial revolution has been discussed and the echo is   increasingly audible
Then what drives the 4.0 industrial revolution?
The concept of the 4.0 industrial revolution was first introduced by Professor Klaus Schwab. The famous German economist wrote in his book, the Fourth Industrial Revolution
In the presentation of the Lecturer at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Richard Mengko, who took the source from A.T. Kearney, revealed the history of the industrial revolution until finally launching this 4th generation. Following are four industries approved from now on.
1. End of the 18th century
The first industrial revolution took place at the end of the 18th century. It was marked by the discovery of the first mechanical loom in 1784. At that time, the industry was introduced to mechanical production facilities using hydropower and steam. Work equipment that initially relied on human and animal power was finally replaced with the engine. Many people are unemployed but production is believed to multiply.

2. Beginning of the 20th century
The 2.0 industrial revolution occurred in the early 20th century. At that time there was an introduction to mass production based on the division of labor. The first production line involved an abattoir on the Cincinati in 1870

3. Beginning in 1970
 SEE ALSO Illustration of industrial revolution 4.0. Facing RI 4.0, Kominfo Will Make Law To Sweep Jagat Head of BPPT Hammam Riza. BPPT: Communities Must Take Care of the MRT, Not Damage the Atmosphere at Gunadarma University, Depok, West Java. Getting to know Anatomage and NVIDIA DGX-1 Gunadarma Facing RI 4.0 In the early 1970s it was suspected as the first appearance of the 3.0 industrial revolution. Starting with the use of electronics and information technology to automate production. The debut of the third generation industrial revolution was marked by the emergence of the first programmable logic controller (PLC), the modem 084-969. This computer-based automation system makes industrial machines no longer controlled by humans. The impact is that production costs are cheaper.

4. At present 21st century
    Now, now is the age of the 4.0 industrial revolution which is characterized by a cyber-physical system. Today the industry is starting to touch the virtual world, in the form of human, machine and data connectivity, everything is everywhere. This term is known as the internet of things. Apparently President Joko Widodo was quite keen to see this opportunity and was considered able to contribute to more job creation and new technology-based investments. So a roadmap was formed with the name Making Indonesia 4.0.

The atmosphere of change in human relations changes rapidly with the presence of technological developments. Technological developments are able to change the pattern of relations between humans in all aspects of social life both from the social, economic, legal, political and cultural aspects and security.
Changes from the touch of the skin, face to face to touch the screen, screen to screen, virtual relationships with various types of window dressings that are run automatically and robots.
A change that we must face wisely and wisely to produce positive output. The atmosphere requires changes in mindset, ways of working, and patterns of building harmonious relationships between groups and community organizations.

in Smart Process is arranged modular, algorithms, cyber-physical systems oversee physical processes, create copies of the physical world virtually, and make decentralized decisions. Technological sophistication that we cannot negate in social life especially in the business world. In the business world these changes need to be addressed quickly and in preparation. Anticipatory steps are a must to be carried out both in terms of business processes and relationships within the company so that the existence of change is maintained. Business processes that need to adjust the times and market needs effectively and efficiently so as to provide significant added value for the company. Treatment of human resources is also a very important concern for the company. In addition, changes in industrial relations also need to be built harmoniously so that the achievement of corporate goals can be jointly implemented. Good business processes, management Human resources and industrial relations need to be carried out in parallel. Given the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 is very closely related to these three aspects. How business processes can be adjusted to the targets to be achieved effectively and efficiently. How the available human resources are able to run the business process in accordance with professionally owned competencies. And how relations between workers and companies can run in tune to adjust the times. This interrelated relationship is caused by the process that will immediately negate the role of humans in every process carried out by the Company. The process of repetition, duplication, periodic will be stored in a data bank which is then designed with certain algorithms to be able to run robotically. For the Company, this change is certainly very beneficial, but from the aspect of human resources it will have a quite dangerous impact if it is not managed properly. Adapting human work to robotics certainly has an impact on reducing the number of workers in the company. Many human activities will become extinct because they have been replaced by machines through artificial intelligence. Culture will have an impact on changes in relationships and human and / or robot activities within the Company. If industrial relations have been built harmoniously, it will certainly be very helpful, but if these conditions do not occur, it will become a new problem for the company. Instead of wanting to adjust the development of the times it has resulted in the complexity of the process of resolving industrial relations.

The change phase became known as the Industrial Revolution 4.0, a phase that is generally about data automation and exchange in factory technology, robot intelligence and artificial intelligence. Phase which ultimately results in a "Smart Process". In
The concept of "Industry 4.0" was first used in the public at the Hannover Messe industry exhibition in the city of Hannover, Germany in 2011. From this event, the idea of ​​"Industry 2.0" and "Industry 3.0" only appeared, previously only known as the "Technology Revolution "And" Digital Revolution ". Well, you might be able to guess, after the two revolutions, what kind of revolution could happen?
Note, all the revolutions took place using the previous revolution as a basis. Industry 2.0 will not appear as long as we still rely on muscle, wind and water for production. Industry 3.0 is essentially upgrading production lines with computers and
robot. So, industry 4.0 must also use this computer and robot as the basis. So, what advancements have emerged in our computer world lately?
First, the most noticeable progress is the internet. All computers are connected to a shared network. Computers are also getting smaller so they can be as big as our fists, so we have a smartphone. Not only are we connected to a giant network, we are ALWAYS connected to the giant network. This is the first part of the fourth industrial revolution: the "Internet of Things" when the computers in the factory are connected to the internet, when every problem on the production line can be immediately known when IT IS ALSO by the factory owner, wherever the owner is!
Smartphones that keep us connected with the outside world are important instruments in the 4.0 industrial revolution.
Second, technological advancements also created 1001 new sensors, and 1001 ways to utilize the information obtained from these sensors that record everything 24 hours a day. This information even concerns the performance of its human employees. For example, now companies can track the movements of all and every employee while in the factory. From the movement, it can be seen, for example, that the employees spend too much time in one part, so that the part needs to be repaired. There are still 1001 other information that can be obtained from 1001 different data, so there are still 1001-1001 ways to increase factory productivity that were originally unthinkable. Because of the large variety and amount of this new data, this aspect is often called Big Data.
Third, related to the first and second, is Cloud Computing. Complex calculations still require large sophisticated computers, but because they are already connected to the internet, because there is a lot of data that can be sent via the internet, all these calculations can be done elsewhere, not at the factory. So, a company that has 5 factories in 5 different countries just needs to buy a supercomputer to process the data needed simultaneously for the five factories. There's no need to buy 5 supercomputers to do it separately.



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